The Jammu and Kashmir Board of Secondary Education (JKBOSE) conducts and regulates JKBOSE 11th standard exams as per the latest JKBOSE 11th syllabus 2025. The board releases all the important notifications along with the syllabus on its JKBOSE website, i.e.,
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JK Board 11th Syllabus 2024 PDF Download Link: Click Here
Class 11th is an important year for all the students as it is a preparatory level for the upcoming 12th board exam. For well-versed studies and effective learning, the students need to know the JK board 11th syllabus 2025 and prepare accordingly as the topics asked in the JKBOSE 11th exam 2025 are all from the JKBOSE syllabus 2025. Read the complete article below to get the subject-wise syllabus of the JKBOSE 11th class.
JKBOSE 11th Syllabus 2025
Students who have the syllabus and attentively read it before studying are better prepared for their exams. It provides a thorough introduction to the subject and includes a list of all the chapters for that academic year. Students can create a study schedule that takes into account the extensiveness of the material after learning this. Additionally, when students adhere to a well-organized schedule, it enables them to finish their coursework on time and avoid exam-day dread. The JK board Class 11 subject-by-subject schedule is presented in the section below.
JKBOSE 11th Maths Syllabus 2025
To score good marks, the candidates need to know the syllabus and prepare accordingly. The JK board 11th maths syllabus 2025 is as follows.
Chapter No. | Chapter Name |
1 | Set |
2 | Relation and functions |
3 | Trigonometric functions |
4 | Mathematical induction |
5 | Complex numbers and quadratic equation |
6 | Linear inequalities |
7 | Permutation and combination |
8 | Binomial theorem |
9 | Sequences and series |
10 | Straight lines |
JKBOSE 11th Physics Syllabus 2025
The applications of physics ideas in daily life are numerous. Students who take Physics learn about ideas like gravity, the laws of motion, thermodynamics, and many others. The foundation for the following class will be provided by these ideas. The table below contains the Class 11 Physics syllabus for the Jammu and Kashmir Board.
Chapter No. | Chapter Name |
1 | Physical world |
2 | Units and measurement |
3 | Motion in a straight line |
4 | Laws of motion |
5 | Work, energy, and power |
6 | Systems of particles and rotational motion |
7 | Gravitation |
8 | Mechanical properties of solids |
9 | Mechanical properties of fluids |
10 | Motion in a plane |
JKBOSE 11th Chemistry Syllabus 2025
Physical, Organic, and Inorganic Chemistry make up Class 11 Chemistry. Additionally, the curriculum covers ideas such as organic chemistry, redox processes, chemical bonding, atomic structure, and many more. The Jammu and Kashmir Board’s Class 11 Chemistry curriculum is listed in the table below. Before beginning their exam preparation, students can use the table below to familiarise themselves with the syllabus.
Chapter no. | Chapter name |
1 | Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry |
2 | Structure of atom |
3 | Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties |
4 | Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure |
5 | States of matter |
6 | Thermodynamics |
7 | Equilibrium |
8 | Redox reaction |
9 | Hydrogen |
10 | The s-block element |
JKBOSE 11th Biology Syllabus
Numerous theoretical ideas and scientific jargon are present in biology. Despite the large material, students might do well in the JK board 11th result 2025, if they effectively plan their studies. The total number of chapters in Class 11 Biology is 22. The table below contains the JK board Class 11 Biology syllabus for the Jammu and Kashmir Board.
Chapter No. | Chapter Name |
1 | The Living world |
2 | Biological classifications |
3 | Plant kingdom |
4 | Animal kingdom |
5 | Morphology of flowering plants |
6 | Anatomy of flowering plants |
7 | Structural organization in animals |
8 | Cell: the unit of life |
9 | Biomolecules |
10 | Cell cycle and cell division |
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FAQs related to JKBOSE 11th Syllabus 2025
Where can I find the JKBOSE 2025 11th syllabus?
The candidates can easily find the syllabus on this page or from the official website of JKBOSE.
How many chapters are there in JK board class 11th maths syllabus?
There are around 10 chapters in the maths subject.